Lot Winther
Lotte Winther has a background in fashion, but a friendly conversation with a good friend became a turning point in her life. Soon after, she unleashed everything she knew and dedicated her absolute focus to the visual arts.
Inspiration from the inner guide
Lot is an artist guided by intuition. She has recognised that her art evolves with her understanding of life. Her constant source of inspiration is her inner guide, which helps her to spot motifs and styles to be expressed in art. This comes through in the process of the works and thus in the works, which is usually what the viewers notice as well.
During 2020 her work has been represented in various art magazines and galleries, and in 2021 she will have her first solo exhibition in a gallery in Aarhus.
A changing world affects Lot and her art
Lot is convinced that her passion for art is part of her life's purpose. Art is her way of communicating, and her artistic genes from her family have only been an eye-opener and support that allowed her to unfold from childhood. In her travels and encounters with other cultures, Lot has allowed her understanding of the world to shift, continually shaking her perspective and thus the expression she finds in art. She has recognized that her art is not the kind that stands still or fixed in the same style, but rather evolves as her understanding of the world does.